Description: In 2020, deepfake pornographic videos falsely depicting Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni were uploaded to a U.S. website and viewed millions of times. At the time, she was leader of the Brothers of Italy but not yet PM. In 2024, now serving as PM, Meloni sued Alessio Scurosu, 40, and his father, Roberto Scurosu, 73, seeking €100,000 in damages. She testified in court, calling the act “a form of violence.”
Editor Notes: Notes on the timeline: The date of 01/01/2020 is an approximation in lieu of a specific date of the deepfake's creation. (2) The videos remained online for several months and were reportedly viewed millions of times before they were taken down. (3) Italian authorities identified the alleged perpetrators, Alessio Scurosu and Roberto Scurosu, sometime in late 2023. (4) Meloni initiated legal action in early 2024, and her testimony took place on July 2, 2024. (5) The defamation trial of Alessio Scurosu was adjourned until February 2025.
Alleged: Unknown deepfake technology developer developed an AI system deployed by Alessio Scurosu と Roberto Scurosu, which harmed Giorgia Meloni.
関与が疑われるAIシステム: Unknown deepfake app