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UN SOIR DE juillet 2020, une femme nommée Kathryn s'est rendue à l'hôpital dans une douleur atroce. Étudiante diplômée en psychologie de 32 ans dans le Michigan, Kathryn vivait avec l'endométriose, une maladie angoissante qui provoque le dé…
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translated-fr-Elizabeth Amirault had never heard of a Narx Score. But she said she learned last year the tool had been used to track her medication use.
During an August 2022 visit to a hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Amirault told a nurse…
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translated-fr-Before Dr. Bobby Mukkamala --- an ear, nose, and throat specialist in Michigan --- prescribed postsurgical opioids recently, he checked state records of his patient's existing controlled substance prescriptions, as legally req…
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