Incidentes involucrados como desarrollador e implementador
Incidente 4481 Reporte
AI-Powered VTuber and Virtual Streamer Made Toxic Remarks on Twitch
An LLM-powered VTuber and streamer on Twitch made controversial statements such as denying the Holocaust, saying women rights do not exist, and pushing a fat person to solve the trolley problem, stating they deserve it.
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Incidente 4481 Reporte
AI-Powered VTuber and Virtual Streamer Made Toxic Remarks on Twitch
An LLM-powered VTuber and streamer on Twitch made controversial statements such as denying the Holocaust, saying women rights do not exist, and pushing a fat person to solve the trolley problem, stating they deserve it.
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Otras entidades que están relacionadas con el mismo incidente. Por ejemplo, si el desarrollador de un incidente es esta entidad pero el implementador es otra entidad, se marcan como entidades relacionadas.