Peter LoDuca
Afectado por Incidentes
Incidente 54158 Reportes
ChatGPT Reportedly Produced False Court Case Law Presented by Legal Counsel in Court
A lawyer in Mata v. Avianca, Inc. used ChatGPT for research. ChatGPT hallucinated court cases, which the lawyer then presented in court. The court determined the cases did not exist.
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Incidente 54158 Reportes
ChatGPT Reportedly Produced False Court Case Law Presented by Legal Counsel in Court
A lawyer in Mata v. Avianca, Inc. used ChatGPT for research. ChatGPT hallucinated court cases, which the lawyer then presented in court. The court determined the cases did not exist.
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Otras entidades que están relacionadas con el mismo incidente. Por ejemplo, si el desarrollador de un incidente es esta entidad pero el implementador es otra entidad, se marcan como entidades relacionadas.
Steven A. Schwartz
Afectado por Incidentes
- Incidente 54158 Reportes
ChatGPT Reportedly Produced False Court Case Law Presented by Legal Counsel in Court
- Incidente 54158 Reportes
ChatGPT Reportedly Produced False Court Case Law Presented by Legal Counsel in Court